


Yuva Kala Bharathi Smt. Krupaa Lakshmi is an AIR “B grade” artist and a regular in Chennai music scene. She was initiated into vocal by Veena Smt.R Ramani at the age of 6 and is currently under the tutelage of Smt. Suguna Varadachari and a product of advanced school of Music at Music Academy Chennai. She is undergoing Hindusthani training from Shri.Sriram Parasuram. Krupaa is the recipient of the title Yuva Kala Bharati, Best vocalist at Music Academy’s HCL Concert Series etc., to name a few. She has experience of singing professionally as part of major festivals across the globe.

Krupaa is also an “A grade” Bharatanatyam artist who has been initiated into the art form by Shri. Suryanarayanamurthy and is currently under the tutelage of Smt.Shobanaa Bhalchandra for the past 22 years. She has performed in India and various other countries along with eminent Gurus like the Dhananjayans, The Narasimhacharis, Smt.Anita Ratnam, Smt.Anita Guha, Smt.Lakshmi Ramaswamy, Shri Madurai R Muralidharan, Shri Narendra Kumar, etc and has also received various accolades in Chennai and across the globe.



Sudhamayee (Sudha) Dhamodharan was initiated into dance under Smt Pushkala Gopal. She later did her arangetram and performed under legendary Gurus Kalaimamani K.J. Sarasa and Guru Smt. Padmini Ravi. As an adult returning to dance, she studied briefly under Kalaimamini Dr. Srekala Bharath. She continues to further her learning under Guru Padmini Ravi, and develop better understanding of Thalam and Layam from Dhamodharan Srinivasan. She founded SriArts. SriArts aims to spread the joy of dance and music. SriArts conducts various workshops, in person and virtual, organizes dance and music concerts She also conducts classes at Kulture Kool. A certified k-12 teacher from NCERT, she is a very passionate and dedicated teacher. Her students have been very well received in the tri state area and perform regularly at various venues, temples and events.

Sudhamayee (Sudha) Dhamodharan was initiated into dance under Smt Pushkala Gopal. She later did her arangetram and performed under legendary Gurus Kalaimamani K.J. Sarasa and Guru Smt. Padmini Ravi. As an adult returning to dance, she studied briefly under Kalaimamini Dr. Srekala Bharath. She continues to further her learning under Guru Padmini Ravi, and develop better understanding of Thalam and Layam from Dhamodharan Srinivasan. She founded SriArts. SriArts aims to spread the joy of dance and music. SriArts conducts various workshops, in person and virtual, organizes dance and music concerts She also conducts classes at Kulture Kool. A certified k-12 teacher from NCERT, she is a very passionate and dedicated teacher. Her students have been very well received in the tri state area and perform regularly at various venues, temples and events.





Sri Dhamodharan Srinivasan has accompanied several leading vocal and instrumental artists from India and in the US. He has accompanied innumerable dance performances and arangetrams throughout the USA. He underwent training under Grammy award winner and renowned Ghatam artist Padma Sri, Padma Bhushan Shri “Vikku” Vinayakaram and later he pursued advanced techniques under Shri Subhash Chandran and Shri Ramnad Raghavan. In addition to being a performing artist, he is also a teacher of Mridangam. Some of his students are now performing artists on the Mridangam in their own right. Music is his hobby.



Smt. Radhika Devrajan received her initial training in violin from Sri S.V. Ramachandran in Mumbai and pursued advance training under vocalist Prof. R. Subbalakshmi, Smt. Kalyani Ramani, Smt.Sangeetha Swaminathan, violinist Padmasree A. Kanyakumari , Sri Vittal Ramamoorthy. She has performed solo and as accompanist for several years in India and the US. Smt. Radhika Devrajan is the founder and director of Swaradhika School of Carnatic Music based in central New Jersey. Her students perform regularly at fundraisers, music festivals and have won prizes in Cleveland Aradhana, CMANA and also performed violin Arangetrams.
Smt. Radhika Devrajan received her initial training in violin from Sri S.V. Ramachandran in Mumbai and pursued advance training under vocalist Prof. R. Subbalakshmi, Smt. Kalyani Ramani, Smt.Sangeetha Swaminathan, violinist Padmasree A. Kanyakumari , Sri Vittal Ramamoorthy. She has performed solo and as accompanist for several years in India and the US. Smt. Radhika Devrajan is the founder and director of Swaradhika School of Carnatic Music based in central New Jersey. Her students perform regularly at fundraisers, music festivals and have won prizes in Cleveland Aradhana, CMANA and also performed violin Arangetrams.





N Visveshwar is an A-grade Carnatic flautist from Chennai who holds the distinction of being one of the youngest flautists to receive this grading from All India Radio. He currently resides in New Jersey. Since the age of nine, he has performed around 1,200 concerts at reputed venues and weddings in both the US and India over the past 17 years.   Visveshwar is a disciple of his maternal grandfather, Singanallur Ramaraja. At the age of 14, Visveshwar was awarded the “Best Instrumentalist Prize” by The Madras Music Academy. He has also received several other titles and awards, including “Venu Gana Rathna”, “Venu Ilamamani”, “Vamshi Kaladhara”, and “Bala Kala Rathna”, in addition to being a recipient of an Indian government cultural scholarship.   After completing his studies at Cornell University, Visveshwar currently works as a cloud product manager.